Come and Experience
                                     the love of Christ
                                    and become a part of
                       what God is doing in Auburndale!
Welcome to First Baptist Church
It is our desire to love God, love each other, make disciples,

and reach the world for Christ.  


Sunday Schedule:   
9:15 am Bible Study   
10:30 am Worship Service
Every Sunday we open God’s Word and learn about our only hope ~ found in Jesus. 
YOU are invited to come and learn with us.
You are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do good works!
We’ll help you discover meaning in life and fullness of joy when you surrender all to Jesus. 
American Heritage Girls
Troop FL-1209
is for ALL girls in our community, ages 5-18 yr
Sign-up today!
Trail Life, USA
Troop FL-4031
is for ALL boys in our community, ages 5-20 yr
Sign-up today!
School of Fine Arts
Sign-up today!
Register Online
A place to build relationships, biblical knowledge, and encourage each other through the ups and downs of life!
Take advantage of this opportunity to increase your knowledge of God’s word with other men.
This is an encouraging, supportive group of families who cooperate together to enhance the homeschool adventure for their children.
 Go to this page for a complete explanation. Please let us know if we
can help you in anyway with this decision or if you have any further questions.
Ever wonder about the entirety of the Bible? 
Why not make it your goal to read through the Bible?
This is a plan that takes you through the Bible in a year! 
You can start at any time during the year.
(Brittany Pruitt, Adeline, Triple)
Therefore if any man be in Christ,
he is a new creature:
old things are passed away; behold,
all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17
I began looking for a church because I felt like my kids needed to be in Sunday School. I felt I had a good relationship with God, and I knew enough of the Bible to be a good person. I was fine, but I wanted my kids to have a good Sunday School experience.
I was welcomed the moment I stepped out of my car at FBCA. My children were 5 and 1 at the time, and they both enjoyed Sundays at FBCA, so I felt confident we had found our church. I had decided, however, that I would not join the church until I had been there at least one month, 4 Sundays.
During those 4 Sundays listening to God’s word preached lovingly but honestly and experiencing God’s love from all of the wonderful people at FBCA, God began to work in my heart. I realized I needed more of Jesus in my life and my relationship with God needed be stronger. I began to study the bible at home and tried to never miss a church service. With the love and encouragement of so many new friends at FBCA, my relationship with God began to grow!
I have been blessed tremendously since becoming a member of FBCA, and when I face trials, I am comforted that I will never face them alone. I have an entire building full of God loving, God fearing family that celebrate with me during the blessed seasons. They never fail to encourage me with God’s word and point me to Jesus during the trials of life.  
I can honestly say the woman who walked into FBCA last summer is gone. I have been made new! Thank you FBCA for being the hands and feet of Jesus!  ~ Brittany Pruitt
I love my Church for a lot of reasons . . .
Lately, I’ve seen a number of new members come in and really take off working for the Lord in numerous areas.
My walk with Jesus has increased by being open to becoming a servant more like He wants us to be. There’s always room for improvement, and Auburndale First Baptist Church has provided the encouragement and room to grow.  ~ Don Love
   (Love Family – Brian ,
Trish and Don Love, Sarah,
and Maddy Coleman)
When we decided 13 years ago that Church needed to a important part of our lives and part of our walk with Christ, we both knew First Baptist Church of Auburndale was our home from the beginning. We felt so welcomed and loved from day one.  As our family began to grow, so did our love for our Church Family. They have always been there for us in good and bad situations. We love that our family can grow closer to God in a loving, nurturing environment! 
Through First Baptist, we have found American Heritage Girls and have been able to watch our girls grow spiritually as well as myself through a ministry dedicated to growing women of integrity!
                                                                                ~ Barbara Coleman
(Chris and Barbara Coleman,
Ally and Maddy)
(Evie, Drew and LaNelle, and Ella McGaffigan)
We have been going to 1st Baptist Auburndale for years and love how it feels like an extended family. Our own little family started here with our beautiful wedding, surrounded by the love and support of our church family. We now have 3 little daughters who are growing up surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ. Sundays and Wednesdays are the highlight of our 3-year-old’s week! She’s always asking when we can go back. The strength of the body of Christ is most apparent when under stress. Christ gives us the strength and power to stand up under trials and temptations, but also to encourage and strengthen others when they are in the eye of the storm. When our youngest daughter was diagnosed with Down syndrome only one day after her birth, we were confused and anxious about the potential struggle ahead. Our church family, filled with the Holy Spirit, has been there for us in every conceivable way, often times without us ever needing to audibly ask for help. So much encouragement, physical assistance, and ceaseless prayer has been poured out for our baby girl! We just feel so humbled in the face of God’s goodness. Our family is thriving here, and we have nothing but eager anticipation looking forward to how God will provide.
The teaching and learning that happens here changes lives and deepens relationships, but most importantly it is all grounded in the truth of scripture. The Bible studies are awesome, and we always learn something and enjoy being there. Teaching and preaching from scripture means that the message will always align with God’s eternal, absolute truths, but will almost never align with pop culture. The effect of this is that the message is often harder to ignore. Truth has a certain ring to it, and for those who have grown weary of the empty “feel-good” sermons or the angry “fire and brimstone” sermons, preaching from scripture can feel like a welcome glass of cool water. It’s about what the soul needs, not what the confused heart wants.
The body of Christ depends on its members to step up and help, according to their gifts. There is a strong spirit of volunteerism here. We have enjoyed the opportunity to help in the many ministries, like with the children and high school age groups. A Trail Life Troop (a great Christian alternative to Boy Scouts) was recently chartered at the church and Drew is blessed to be one of the founding members. This boy’s ministry has been growing steadily since its beginning, and the effect on the boys’ skills and confidence has been so great to see. We love being here, and it is a pleasure to work together with our Church family to reach our families, friends, and communities for Christ.
                                   FBCA is a small church, but it is a huge blessing!
                                                      ~ LaNelle and Drew McGaffigan
Almost 7 years ago, when we moved to Auburndale, we were driving around, looking for churches we might join.  The steeple at FBCA seemed to be calling us there.  Thank God we listened!

From the first service we attended, we knew that was our new church home.  Pastor Tom speaks right from the Bible, and never deviates from the true Word of God contained in it.  He, and his wife, Rhonda are warm, welcoming, godly people.  They, and the rest of the congregation welcomed us with open arms.

Since we are new to the faith, it was comforting to be accepted into their church family so easily, which quickly made us part of that family.  The walk with Christ is always easier with the help of good, godly, caring, people.  From the Sermon, to Sunday school, to Bible studies, to Vacation Bible school, to American Heritage Girls and Trail Life for boys, First Baptist Church of Auburndale helps all of us have a better, fuller life with Christ.

Thank you FBCA family!  ~ Jan and Howard Wemple

(Howard and Jan Wemple)
  (Doris Mundo)
First Baptist is truly the place for me.  It is filled with good and caring people who always “have my back” with prayer and support.  FBC is my family and my lifeline.  I can look forward to being with godly people, no matter what day of the week it is.  These last 2 years have been like the tests of Job for me; but with my church family, I have become a stronger person and a better Christian. ~ Doris Mundo

Bring someone this Sunday,

and enjoy our great fellowship!

“He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”  Job 9:10

What does it mean to be a Church Member? In many churches, membership has become less and less meaningful. When church attendance and commitment “becomes truly meaningful, our churches will become an unstoppable force for the Kingdom and glory of God.” – Thom Rainer We believe this whole-heartedly! Read I Corinthians 12:12-31 We need EVERYone . . . we need EACH one! In a day when commitment is a rare commodity, it should come as no surprise that church membership is such a low priority to so many believers. It is essential for every Christian to understand what
 church membership is and why it matters.

Our Vision, Mission, and Beliefs

Our mission and vision at First Baptist is to see hearts transformed and to introduce people into a close and personal relationship with Jesus where they know Him as Savior, Lord, Creator, and Friend. (Read more here.)


Serving & Getting Involved

Life Groups
We provide Sunday morning bible study for all ages.
9:15 am
Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the Family Center, and bring your friends. 
We provide childcare during all services at the church. Blessed are those who volunteer!
Friday nights are the time for young adults to gather in the Fireside Room at 6:30pm.
Our youth services occur on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm upstairs in Educ. Bldg.
We have regular Bible study on Friday mornings at 9:30 am. Get Involved!
Bible Study
Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm, we have Adult Bible Study  in the Fireside Room.
Guys! We are standing with you. Get involved in accountability with our Bible Study group!
Boys and Girls Troops
AHG and Trail Life troops are chartered by our First Family because children are important to Jesus!
Our support group provides Christian encouragement, coops, and fellowship for home educators.
Worship Team
Musical? Good voice? Feeling called to be part of the worship team? Let’s do this!
Leadership Meetings
Our training program is the perfect platform for leadership development and service.

Sunday Teaching

Every Sunday our Pastor teaches from the Word of God. Join with us on FACEBOOK Live or go back through the videos on our Facebook page and enjoy the many sermons that you will find there.



Church is not a building. We are family! We enjoy extending God’s love to our community and online through our social media. View our new worship videos, teaching and more. Connect and interact in discussion groups. 
First Baptist Church of Auburndale is a 501c3 nonprofit,
registered in the US, registration number 59-0637835.

Visit First Baptist This Sunday!


300 Main Street
Auburndale, FL  33823
Phone: (863)397-6608 or
Looking for a church but not sure which way to turn?
We want to help you find a
place of belonging.
First Baptist Church is dedicated to helping people grow in Christ,
have a strong community of faith, and find fulfillment in the life Jesus desires for you.
First Baptist Church of Auburndale is a 501c3 nonprofit, registered in the US, registration number 59-0637835.